• Release date Mar 2024
  • This asic was recently released!
    All calculations are estimates. The profitability will likely change after more asics are delivered to users.
  • Manufacturer page KA BOX
  • kHeavyHash 1.15 Th/s @ 400W
Estimated Rewards
Per Fees Est. Rewards Rev. BTC Rev. $ Cost Profit
Hour 0.104610 1.987585 0.000004 $0.24 $0.04 $0.20
Day 2.510634 47.702041 0.000090 $5.70 $0.96 $4.74
Week 17.574436 333.914286 0.000628 $39.92 $6.72 $33.20
Month 75.319012 1,431.061226 0.002692 $171.07 $28.80 $142.27
Last Hour 0.101025 1.919468 0.000004 $0.23 $0.04 $0.19
Last Day 2.510634 47.702041 0.000090 $5.70 $0.96 $4.74
Last 3 Days 7.533685 143.140020 0.000269 $17.11 $2.88 $14.23
Last Week 17.565829 333.750756 0.000628 $39.90 $6.72 $33.18
Exchange Rates
Exchange Current Rate Volume 24h 24h Rate 3d Rate 7d Rate
Gate.io 188.1335 sat 412.11 BTC 175.3785 sat 181.2329 sat 185.3478 sat
Mexc 187.7557 sat 108.38 BTC 175.3371 sat 181.1645 sat 185.2854 sat
CoinEx 188.6686 sat 4.55 BTC 175.3914 sat 181.2163 sat 185.2701 sat
XeggeX 189.0478 sat 0.64 BTC 174.9688 sat 180.8383 sat 184.7852 sat
TradeOgre 152.6597 sat 0.02 BTC 152.5876 sat 152.1491 sat 144.3087 sat
Mining Pools
Pool Location Fee Hashrate Hashrate % Miners
p1pool EU, US, ASIA 0.40% 7.70 Th/s 0.0% 7
K1Pool US, EU, Asia 0.50% 13.53 Ph/s 5.7% 3163
HumPool EU, US, ASIA 0.75% 33.34 Ph/s 14.1% 5326
WoolyPooly USA, EU 0.90% 813.72 Th/s 0.3% 1269
HeroMiners EU, US, Asia 0.90% 3.81 Ph/s 1.6% 2090
Kryptex EU 1.00% 1.56 Ph/s 0.7% 357
Nanopool EU, US, Asia 1.00% 59.27 Th/s 0.0% 12
Viabtc CN 2.00% 12.96 Ph/s 5.5%